Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

I am so very excited and THRILLED today!
It is now a requirement for my position at work to be "highly qualified".
I decided not to take the course preceding the exam. I asked for a study guide, and diligently studied like mad for over a month now. I was nervous hoping I had studied all the right material.
I knew whatever the outcome this morning, that GOD would be there right along with me while I took the test.
I felt that if I didn't do well, there are other plans He has for me.
I went in with a very positive outlook and knew I would try my best. I felt anxious, but well prepared.

***** I PASSED ******* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a very high score I must add!!

I am one happy lady today, and know how very blessed I am!


  1. Wow Louise that is great news! Congrats. Now how are you going to celebrate? x

  2. Good for you Louise! You need to go stash shopping to celebrate!

  3. WOO-HOO! Thanking God with you! I am so proud of you and all your hard work--especially when you were so sick and busy! Good for you!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to post a comment.
Means so much to me! I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as
I enjoy posting about all the things I love. I wish you a Beautiful Blessed Day!

Framed pieces

I finally framed some of my needlework pieces. I just love how they turned out!