I received a wonderful package in the mail today!
I recently entered a milestone giveaway contest from Belinda of Blue Ribbon Designs
I was so surprised when I won!
What BEAUTIFUL gifts I received in the mail today!
When I opened up the box, I couldn't believe my eyes! The gifts were so wonderfully tied with raffia and ribbons.
She had sewn up the most gorgeous tool pouch out of the very sought after Blackbird design fabric. The pouch is softly padded and even serged inside. A beautiful red zipper compliments the pouch perfectly.
I want to just put it out to admire it! :)
She also let me choose a chart as an added bonus to my winning. If you take a look at all the beautiful Blue Ribbon Designs, I am sure you will agree, you will love them all!
I chose "Pointsettias And Pines", such a pretty design!
If you look at the picture you will see, Belinda even autographed the front of the chart for me. I am super delighted, and feel so honored!
What a talented designer Belinda is, with such pretty designs.
Belinda, thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for your kindness, and for all your beautiful designs.
I am so glad I won your contest! :)
~I saw that you won and was so pleased for you. Some great stash there. x