When my children were little, I always made sure they had a wonderful Halloween costume to wear for that special day of trick-or-treating.
They were always excited about something new each year, may it have been a particular television show, or perhaps a certain doll they loved.
I would venture out to the closest fabric store each year in search of that perfect pattern to sew up..
I would always get so excited doing this! This was one of the great joys in my life of being a Mom, doing all these wonderful things for my children.
Two costumes that remain vividly in my mind that I do remember my children wearing were My Son's Power Ranger Costume, and my Daughter's Raggedy Ann costume (Raggedy Ann of course!) :)
I know I could have chosen to purchase a store bought costume, but I wanted to put love into making costumes for them!
They looked so cute in their outfits...oh how I wish that I could turn time back and go back for just one more day of them being little again.
I miss those days so much!
My daughter still would like to dress up this year..but she wanted a store bought outfit this year...
I am happy for all the years I was able to sew for my children while they were little!
I love Halloween, one of my favorite times..I guess because I love candy so much..I waited this year to buy the candy till this week..thinking it would last, was I wrong!
Looks like I will be going back to the store for some more..
One of my favorites are Mary Janes!
I remember living in NY and the neighbors would get together and have fun chasing each other with shaving cream. We used to have so much fun! We would be covered with shaving cream and we didn't even recognize each other.
Lots of memories and fun times.
Wishing you all many happy memories this Halloween!