Thursday, March 31, 2016

Love Never Fails Sampler

I have begun stitching on Love Never Fails by Barbara Ana Designs. I am stitching this piece on 32 count antique ivory linen with called for DMC threads. I will be doing this for our 30th wedding anniversary. This is such a wonderful stitch!
So far I am enjoying every minute of this piece. 
Here are some progress pictures:

This is just a quick update post :)
Our Easter was wonderful, I hope yours was also.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!
Louise xx

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday bits

The weather is finally turning to spring in our little town. It is so wonderful to see all the beautiful blooming trees as I drive around now. 
I snapped a couple of pictures to share:

I was busy baking for the Lenten soup luncheon I volunteer for at the church, along with Saint Patrick's day baking for our family. I made wonderful loaves of Irish Soda bread, an annual tradition in our home!

The Deacon of our Parish surprised each of the volunteers with a ladybug planter with zinnia flowers for volunteering!

I've been stitching a bit more on our anniversary sampler, "love never fails" by Barbara Ana Designs

I have joined the blanket and shawl ministry at our church. I am very excited about this! I know the women will be able to teach me so much more than I already know with crochet. 

I have made my first hat for donation!
My husband starting working on a project at home, a wonderful project! I won't post about it until it's done though. I am pretty excited about it!
That's all the news for now... Just some little bits!
Wishing you all a blessed weekend,
Louise xx

Framed pieces

I finally framed some of my needlework pieces. I just love how they turned out!