It has been a wonderful year. Started off with lots of glorious snow so I
could build our snowmen (and women!) family. Our Son graduated the U.S.
Naval submarine school, and our daughter graduated high school. We had a
wonderful Beach vacation. We were blessed for the times our Son was
able to come home, and we could be together as a family once more. We
traveled to New York for a family wedding
spending lots of great time
with both our families. Took a trip to CT. Took trips to Saint Mary's
GA, and Florida for another very special wedding! Spent an amazing
Thanksgiving together at home, all four of us ! Thankful the second
doctor helped me to feel better after my surgery. Becoming closer to our
priest and parish. Our Son meeting a wonderful young lady that we
cannot wait to meet! Buying our first ever brand new car... So exciting,
first one in 28 years of marriage! Feeling blessed for our beautiful
town and home. Although there were some sad events, we pray and know God
is always watching over us all. Sad to see our sweet bird Misty pass
away on Christmas Eve. First Christmas our Son couldn't be home, but it
will make those special times ahead that we can be together that much
better! This year, I plan to be the best I can be, not only for myself,
but others. Give more, love more, pray more, and always, always thank
God for my blessings. Love to each and everyone of you, and may your new
year be filled with nothing but blessings!
I realized after looking at all the many pictures I took, I was one very busy lady! I do have a couple of finishes to show. I know I haven't posted in a while..been just that busy! These pictures are in no particular order....
Here are my Christmas cookies, baked a special batch for our Sailor Son!
We have a new pet betta fish that joined our family, her name is Snowflake :)
I baked cinnamon salt dough ornaments for bowl fillers, wreaths and ornaments.
I crocheted a couple of these scarfs. I like red best!
I whipped up some needle cushions on my sewing machine and filled them with crushed English Walnut shells for stuffing...
More needle cushions that were gifts. As you can see in the picture, I purchased an old oil spout to put on a quart sized mason jar. Perfect for filling cushions!
My little men with painted faces :)
A pretty "Prim" garland using the cinnamon salt dough ornaments...hearts too!
I fabric strip wreath with my little men :)
purchased a new hoop! Although not wooden, I have found this hoop to be fantastic for stitching and holding fabric taught.
Our "Andy" the bird looking pretty in a basket :)
Our sweet little Parakeet "Misty", who passed away on Christmas Eve :(
Something special I stitched for Thanksgiving..this was a freebie design. This design is by Heartstring Samplery titled "It was Enough". You can find the freebie
A little Christmas ornament I stitched up for a friend...
An amazing cross stitch kit I received from my dear friend and neighbor Suzan for Christmas! This is called Family ABC's. A kit by Design Works.I just started stitching on it! :)
I have discovered pomegranates!! Soooo Yummie!
I am a big tea lover..look what I found over the holidays. YUM!
We finally unpacked a lot of our "Annie" collection...lined them up the stairs to the sewing room! I think they look happy :)
We have a Christian Ministry in our town. I like to donate things, then venture inside to see if there is anything of interest that I just might need. :) Look what I came home with one day while visiting there. Cross stitch books, magazines, and a big linen tablecloth that I can cut up and use for stitching! All this under ten dollars! Magazines are always free there. Such a treat!
Fall baking I did. Apple pie, black cat cookies, and pumpkin cookies :)
Our sweet bunny "Charleston" peeking from behind the pumpkin to say hello!
stitching on my Thanksgiving piece (picture further up is the finished piece!)
Our Raggedy Ann Tree...
Our Family tree..holds so many memories with all the ornaments so dear to us...
A sampler bag I stitched...had so much trouble putting that zipper in!!
My husband surprised me with a wonderful new standing OTT floor lamp. It has a wonderful magnifier and chart clip/holder too! I am loving it..makes stitching so much easier!
A giant yummie Gingerbread man I baked and decorated :)
knowing our Son could not be home for Christmas, I couldn't stand the thought of him not having a little Christmas tree to decorate his room. So we mailed him one! <3 br="">
Our Sons boots at home on Thanksgiving. We were so happy to have him home..and I loved every minute of cooking for him!
As children grow older, things change. With our Son being in the military, its hard. So many birthdays missed, and special events and holidays too. Although we are apart, our hearts never really are. We are family, and will always have those special bonds. I stitched this to help me get through Christmas without our Son being home.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was so nice to be home all together as a family. Christmas was hard. Very hard. Not having our Sailor Son home for the first time in all these years. It was much different. Although we did get to skype..thank goodness for technology. It still didn't keep the tears from falling though. Family is important to me. I love my husband and children dearly. I know that time must march on and life is always about changing. I have to learn to accept these changes and embrace them...for I know great things lie ahead! I consider myself very blessed. I am happy for my life and family.
I want to try really hard this year to stitch at least one ornament a month..between doing all my crocheting and other stitching too! I think it would be so neat to have a collection of ornaments from this year that has just begun.
Now lets see if I can stick with my plan! :)
I wish you all a beautiful New Year, and may only the best come your way.
Blessings to all of you,
Louise xx