I am feeling a bit sad today. I feel sad after hearing the news that an old friend is now in hospice.
We had been neighbors when I first moved to Florida, and we shared many days together. She is a wonderful person and was always so good to our children. She is about ten years younger than me, and much too young to have to endure and suffer all that she is going through at the present moment.
Although she has had complications throughout her life due to illnesses, she has a strong faith in God and is such an inspiration to all the lives she continues to touch.
I am glad that Kelli continues to touch my life.
I will be visiting her within the next couple of days, and my son too asked to go along to see her. He has fond memories shared with her from when he was little.
It is so heartbreaking!
I spoke with her on the phone yesterday. She is in great pain.
Tumors wrapped around her spine, in her brain, and all over her body.
There is nothing they can do to help except manage her pain to make her comfortable.
I am sad. I pray, and will continue to pray that God will take care of her as he always has.
I know each of our lives have purpose, I know Kelli's life has great meaning to so many.
Blessings to you Kelli,
You mean so much to so many,
God Please wrap your arms around her and hold her tight, help her not to be afraid.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
House Hunting
We are back from a weekend away. We continued our search for a new home for our family and this was the weekend to find one! It was a very interesting weekend indeed. Our son was not able to come along with military restrictions, not being able to go out of town. Such a short time till he will be departing for bootcamp. This is so hard for a Mom's heart to take, I feel as if I cannot get enough hugs and kisses until that day comes. It seems all too soon!
We left last Thursday, giving us a nice early start to our house hunting. We drove up to the Carolina's, making stops for fast food along the way. So glad Wendy's has those salad's with grilled chicken in them..oh, and the pomegranate dressing is really good. So, It is possible to go to fast food restaurants and eat healthy!
Our realtors were wonderful, so helpful and knew exactly what we were looking for. We knew we couldn't get everything we wanted in a home, being as we weren't building one..but we came pretty close!
We saw big homes, little homes and in-between homes.
We were a little taken back when walking through the door of this home.
I don't think the owners of this house knew exactly how to stage a home? I also think they will have a hard time selling it!
Each room was worse than the other! My husband just walked out...I of course could not believe it..and I continued on into other rooms, because I really did not think all the rest of the rooms of this house would look like this...but as you will see....they were.....
the kitchen...
After passing through the kitchen, I thought surely the master bedroom had to be a little more tidy? After all, with all this chaos, wouldn't the owners need a quiet calm relaxing place to unwind???
I guess not....
I tried to look beyond the clutter to imagine what the house looked like beneath all this "stuff"..but it was just impossible!!! How can this house sell, especially in this market??
How can anyone even find a sock to wear??
There was one plus to looking at this home...it was when I walked into the garage...I saw a lamp on top of a cage..look what was inside!!
yes, they had baby chickens in the garage! Sooooo sweet!...Then..we moved on to seeing other homes.
Many of them were very nice with pretty yards. One house had a wreath out front with a nest of baby birds in it!
I snapped a photo of the baby birds....
Not sure what type of birds they are..but they are adorable! Interesting looking beaks.
The next day our car broke down...then it started to rain..and then I started to cry!!
I guess I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I guess I was thinking that it wasn't exactly good timing for the car
to break down, the rains to start and we were stuck in another state ....no tools and not sure what was wrong with the car.
But, my dear sweet husband is just amazing..as I have always said before. He is a ROCK! He never waivers and is always so calm.
Our friends came to help us. We used his tools, and he drove my husband to the auto store to get a new alternator. My husband felt that this was the problem with the car. Bless my husband, he is so good at fixing everything! In the meantime I went with my friend and my daughter to mass at our soon to be new Catholic church . I have never prayed so hard!!
We left church, drove to our friends house, and there was our car...at their house, so we knew it was FIXED! My husband had said, while the car was stuck, tons of people had come by offering to help. Sounds like we will be moving to a wonderful new town in North Carolina!
We looked at more houses but knew we had found the perfect house when we found one with just about everything we were looking for.
I had always loved the look of a home with dormered windows. I have always wanted a rocking chair front porch too.
We finally found a place we can settle and call HOME!
We are very excited!!!
Hubby cannot wait to work on the landscaping, and I cannot wait to decorate and put a wreath on the front door! I am finally going to get a craft and sewing room again, and I will have plenty of space to spread out in the room over the garage! YAY!
After the stress of the car ordeal, and the signing of papers was done..we had a most relaxing rest of the weekend at our friends home on the lake. They have the most beautiful scenery as you sit on the deck in their backyard. Their backyard is the lake!
Soooo peaceful. :)
Our friends showed us their wine bottle collection...they save bottles that people give them so they can fill them with their own homemade wine!
As it looks right now, the dates of our closings should work out well..the closing of the Florida house will take place, then a couple of days later, the closing in NC should be just a couple of days later. We are praying for a smooth transition, and that all will go well with this house selling/purchasing and that our sons transition will also go well with the United States Navy.
So much happening in such a short time.
May God continue to Bless our family one day at a time.
Until next time,
We left last Thursday, giving us a nice early start to our house hunting. We drove up to the Carolina's, making stops for fast food along the way. So glad Wendy's has those salad's with grilled chicken in them..oh, and the pomegranate dressing is really good. So, It is possible to go to fast food restaurants and eat healthy!
Our realtors were wonderful, so helpful and knew exactly what we were looking for. We knew we couldn't get everything we wanted in a home, being as we weren't building one..but we came pretty close!
We saw big homes, little homes and in-between homes.
We were a little taken back when walking through the door of this home.
I don't think the owners of this house knew exactly how to stage a home? I also think they will have a hard time selling it!
Each room was worse than the other! My husband just walked out...I of course could not believe it..and I continued on into other rooms, because I really did not think all the rest of the rooms of this house would look like this...but as you will see....they were.....
the kitchen...
After passing through the kitchen, I thought surely the master bedroom had to be a little more tidy? After all, with all this chaos, wouldn't the owners need a quiet calm relaxing place to unwind???
I guess not....
I tried to look beyond the clutter to imagine what the house looked like beneath all this "stuff"..but it was just impossible!!! How can this house sell, especially in this market??
How can anyone even find a sock to wear??
There was one plus to looking at this home...it was when I walked into the garage...I saw a lamp on top of a cage..look what was inside!!
yes, they had baby chickens in the garage! Sooooo sweet!...Then..we moved on to seeing other homes.
Many of them were very nice with pretty yards. One house had a wreath out front with a nest of baby birds in it!
I snapped a photo of the baby birds....
Not sure what type of birds they are..but they are adorable! Interesting looking beaks.
The next day our car broke down...then it started to rain..and then I started to cry!!
I guess I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I guess I was thinking that it wasn't exactly good timing for the car
to break down, the rains to start and we were stuck in another state ....no tools and not sure what was wrong with the car.
But, my dear sweet husband is just amazing..as I have always said before. He is a ROCK! He never waivers and is always so calm.
Our friends came to help us. We used his tools, and he drove my husband to the auto store to get a new alternator. My husband felt that this was the problem with the car. Bless my husband, he is so good at fixing everything! In the meantime I went with my friend and my daughter to mass at our soon to be new Catholic church . I have never prayed so hard!!
We left church, drove to our friends house, and there was our car...at their house, so we knew it was FIXED! My husband had said, while the car was stuck, tons of people had come by offering to help. Sounds like we will be moving to a wonderful new town in North Carolina!
We looked at more houses but knew we had found the perfect house when we found one with just about everything we were looking for.
I had always loved the look of a home with dormered windows. I have always wanted a rocking chair front porch too.
We finally found a place we can settle and call HOME!
We are very excited!!!
Hubby cannot wait to work on the landscaping, and I cannot wait to decorate and put a wreath on the front door! I am finally going to get a craft and sewing room again, and I will have plenty of space to spread out in the room over the garage! YAY!
After the stress of the car ordeal, and the signing of papers was done..we had a most relaxing rest of the weekend at our friends home on the lake. They have the most beautiful scenery as you sit on the deck in their backyard. Their backyard is the lake!
Soooo peaceful. :)
Our friends showed us their wine bottle collection...they save bottles that people give them so they can fill them with their own homemade wine!
As it looks right now, the dates of our closings should work out well..the closing of the Florida house will take place, then a couple of days later, the closing in NC should be just a couple of days later. We are praying for a smooth transition, and that all will go well with this house selling/purchasing and that our sons transition will also go well with the United States Navy.
So much happening in such a short time.
May God continue to Bless our family one day at a time.
Until next time,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
updates again
My husband and I just recently celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. We had a lovely evening out to dinner, just the two of us. Before we left home, our daughter took a picture of us..she did a pretty good job of it too! :) I think perhaps, suitable for framing :)
We have been busy, busy, and are on the hunt for a new homestead! Been searching and looking for just the perfect house for our family to live in. I am certain I want a nice front porch this time. I do hope we can find a house with one. I do need a front porch for sipping tea, stitching and relaxing with the long summer days ahead..don't you agree? :)
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts that the perfect house will pop up for us and God will plant us where we need to be, and at the perfect time. I do not want to move anymore, and I want this move to be the last and final move in our lives. I want this to be our final "earth" home and I want it to "feel" like home.
I haven't truly felt settled in a very long time now. Too much moving around!
School is winding down for our daughter. I am so glad for that. She needs the summer break too. Our son has been keeping up with military training and doing extremely well..bootcamp is coming up all too soon.
I don't know if I will fare very well with him leaving the nest. How will I ever say "goodbye" to my son. Although, I really do not believe in goodbye's...only farewell's for now...
I am proud of him and want the best for him, but somehow I don't want to let go, but know I have to.
A Mom will always worry, and always have that strong love and bond, it never ends.
Oh, this is going to be one hard and emotional month ahead with so much going on.
Please, won't you think of me and keep me in your prayers, I would so appreciate it.
I need all the hugs anyone can offer, I truly do,
Thank you,
We have been busy, busy, and are on the hunt for a new homestead! Been searching and looking for just the perfect house for our family to live in. I am certain I want a nice front porch this time. I do hope we can find a house with one. I do need a front porch for sipping tea, stitching and relaxing with the long summer days ahead..don't you agree? :)
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts that the perfect house will pop up for us and God will plant us where we need to be, and at the perfect time. I do not want to move anymore, and I want this move to be the last and final move in our lives. I want this to be our final "earth" home and I want it to "feel" like home.
I haven't truly felt settled in a very long time now. Too much moving around!
School is winding down for our daughter. I am so glad for that. She needs the summer break too. Our son has been keeping up with military training and doing extremely well..bootcamp is coming up all too soon.
I don't know if I will fare very well with him leaving the nest. How will I ever say "goodbye" to my son. Although, I really do not believe in goodbye's...only farewell's for now...
I am proud of him and want the best for him, but somehow I don't want to let go, but know I have to.
A Mom will always worry, and always have that strong love and bond, it never ends.
Oh, this is going to be one hard and emotional month ahead with so much going on.
Please, won't you think of me and keep me in your prayers, I would so appreciate it.
I need all the hugs anyone can offer, I truly do,
Thank you,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Another Milestone!
I have officially reached a 40 pound weight loss goal! I am so thrilled!!
It is a LOT of hard work and determination. I am so proud of myself. :)
I have been continuing on my weight loss journey with healthy eating and exercise and it is paying off.
I never thought I would look forward to exercising, but now I do. I listen to my ipod full of wonderful music when I go for my power walks. I walked three miles briskly last night.
I wanted to go out walking today, but the fires are bad here again in Florida. Looks like we are hitting another drought. That is one thing I will not miss after moving away from here. The smoke is so thick in the air , it is hard to breathe outside.
A picture of me and my bunny Peter!
I wish you all a beautiful day today,
It is a LOT of hard work and determination. I am so proud of myself. :)
I have been continuing on my weight loss journey with healthy eating and exercise and it is paying off.
I never thought I would look forward to exercising, but now I do. I listen to my ipod full of wonderful music when I go for my power walks. I walked three miles briskly last night.
I wanted to go out walking today, but the fires are bad here again in Florida. Looks like we are hitting another drought. That is one thing I will not miss after moving away from here. The smoke is so thick in the air , it is hard to breathe outside.
A picture of me and my bunny Peter!
I wish you all a beautiful day today,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Recently I had won a giveaway at Feathers In The Nest and my goodies have just arrived in the mail.
I won a beautiful pair of Gingher "Tessa" embroidery scissors, and to my surprise there tucked inside the box was a beautiful big piece of Blackbird design fabric!
Isn't it all just beautiful!
Thank you so very much to Jennifer for holding this fantastic giveaway.
I was so very lucky to win!
Blessings to you!
I won a beautiful pair of Gingher "Tessa" embroidery scissors, and to my surprise there tucked inside the box was a beautiful big piece of Blackbird design fabric!
Isn't it all just beautiful!
Thank you so very much to Jennifer for holding this fantastic giveaway.
I was so very lucky to win!
Blessings to you!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Please head on over to the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe for a fantastic giveaway!!
Enter for a chance to win, while looking around at her beautiful blog. :)
Enter for a chance to win, while looking around at her beautiful blog. :)
An Offer!
Three days on the market, second showing today, we have our first offer on our home. At the same time we had a rainbow in front of our house. :) Things are moving along as expected. We have some thinking to do and some decisions to make. Saint Joseph, thank you for doing your thing. We promise, it won't be long for you to stay in your uncomfortable position, then we will dig you up again and you will be in a place of honor in our new home! :)
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***Edited to add: Winner is Picked! CONGRATULATIONS to Sharon of Shardon Exclusives ! She is the winner of the One World, One Heart Giveaway...
I thought I shall post before heading out to work this morning. I have been busy doing a little bit of crochet. I was trying to teach myself...