I am feeling so good today! Hooray!
I was out shopping and look what I found...The cutest little canisters I have ever seen!
I found this at a Home Goods Store along with this:
Aren't they darling! I was hoping there would be more to the set..perhaps a picture, or bigger canisters for flour too..but there wasn't at this time. The tea, sugar and coffee canisters are small in size..but I just had to get them. My Dad was a big lover of chickens, he raised them for many years in his backyard. Although my Dad passed away, it is nice to have some chicken themed items to remind me of him.
I started making some comfort caps today. I have learned another friend has found out she has breast cancer. I have made one so far..and plan on making two more tonight to mail out to her.
I just LOVE sewing on my new Janome machine. What a difference from my older machine that I had for so many years. It really is such a joy to work with!
My hubby was away with his job again, but will be arriving home tonight. I cannot wait.
I am going to surprise him with one of his favorite meals. Spanish Rice! It is his Mother's recipe and we all love it so much. It is mighty tasty!
I have put the recipe on my recipe blog if you are interested...just click HERE!
Well, I am off to sew again.
Blessings to you!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Shopping Trip!
I must say, I really didn't want to go out yesterday on a shopping trip ..but my sweet daughter convinced me that we needed to go! I am glad we did..although my mouth was still bothering me, look what we spotted in Target!!
Raggedy Ann and Andy Tshirts!
My daughter and I just had to get them....
Cute right?!
Don't look at my messy hair, I didn't prepare for the picture too well! I think it is just about time for a haircut anyways :)
Raggedy Ann and Andy Tshirts!
My daughter and I just had to get them....
Cute right?!
Don't look at my messy hair, I didn't prepare for the picture too well! I think it is just about time for a haircut anyways :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
"Faith, Hope, Love"
"The Greatest of These is Love"
My newest finished stitched piece. Little House Needleworks design. Stitched on 28 Count Cashel Flax Linen over two with DMC threads.
Love this design! :)
I want to thank those of you that posted to me about my surgery mishap! I am still in pain..(a week and a half later)..but , I think it is a little better than it was. It has to get better right?! Lots of hot packs to my face and motrin. I did volunteer with my daughter yesterday..it was so hot outside, about 100 degrees here in Florida! We were under a big shade tree though, so it wasn't too bad. (trying to convince myself)! HA!
We had the easiest job I think..my daughter and I sat at the table and were the cashiers for the garage sale. I made sure I brought lots of cold water and snacks. They too had extra cold water if needed.
My daughter has now completed all her volunteer work for the entire school year already! She said that she wants to continue being as she enjoys doing things for the church. Makes me smile!
We will probably be decorating the church for Christmas time too.
I would like to get back on a proper eating plan again, the surgery has disturbed normal eating habits, although, I have been trying to eat properly, even if it is food that is all cut up.
I have lost about 8 pounds!
Instead of grabbing chips for snacks, I now grab grapes, apples and almonds :)
I haven't been tracking on Sparkpeople for a couple of days though, with my not feeling well, I let it go for now.
I was hoping to stay home and rest for this afternoon and evening..but it looks like the little lady of the house is preparing for a shopping trip. LOL!
I guess I will be taking her to a store or two. She is such a good girl and deserves all good things. As does our son. We are truly blessed with such wonderful kids!
I have taken notice that I am up to 100 followers!! WOOHOO!~ So exciting! I appreciate each and everyone of you that loves to visit my blog..I think this milestone calls for a giveaway! I will be coming up with something soon..so stay tuned! :)
I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday,
My newest finished stitched piece. Little House Needleworks design. Stitched on 28 Count Cashel Flax Linen over two with DMC threads.
Love this design! :)
I want to thank those of you that posted to me about my surgery mishap! I am still in pain..(a week and a half later)..but , I think it is a little better than it was. It has to get better right?! Lots of hot packs to my face and motrin. I did volunteer with my daughter yesterday..it was so hot outside, about 100 degrees here in Florida! We were under a big shade tree though, so it wasn't too bad. (trying to convince myself)! HA!
We had the easiest job I think..my daughter and I sat at the table and were the cashiers for the garage sale. I made sure I brought lots of cold water and snacks. They too had extra cold water if needed.
My daughter has now completed all her volunteer work for the entire school year already! She said that she wants to continue being as she enjoys doing things for the church. Makes me smile!
We will probably be decorating the church for Christmas time too.
I would like to get back on a proper eating plan again, the surgery has disturbed normal eating habits, although, I have been trying to eat properly, even if it is food that is all cut up.
I have lost about 8 pounds!
Instead of grabbing chips for snacks, I now grab grapes, apples and almonds :)
I haven't been tracking on Sparkpeople for a couple of days though, with my not feeling well, I let it go for now.
I was hoping to stay home and rest for this afternoon and evening..but it looks like the little lady of the house is preparing for a shopping trip. LOL!
I guess I will be taking her to a store or two. She is such a good girl and deserves all good things. As does our son. We are truly blessed with such wonderful kids!
I have taken notice that I am up to 100 followers!! WOOHOO!~ So exciting! I appreciate each and everyone of you that loves to visit my blog..I think this milestone calls for a giveaway! I will be coming up with something soon..so stay tuned! :)
I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday,
Friday, August 26, 2011
My husband...
is so very wonderful to me...he always does and says just what is needed.
he walked in the door late tonight from work, and this is what he gave to me.
I love him so much, he is always so thoughtful and caring.
Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky, I know it was in God's plan! :)
he walked in the door late tonight from work, and this is what he gave to me.
I love him so much, he is always so thoughtful and caring.
Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky, I know it was in God's plan! :)
Friday's Post
Hello all...
Had an unexpected turn of events in the past week. I decided to have a wisdom tooth extracted. It was bothering me so much and thought it be best to have it removed. Now I am thinking twice about my decision as things had gone drastically wrong with the surgery!
All seemed fine when the dentist removed the tooth..but then within a matter of days my face swelled and bruised. The pain was something awful!
I went back to the dentist..he told me I developed a hematoma. Just what I did not want to hear! The needle used in the muscle of my mouth hit a blood vessel and cause a clot to form. I have never felt such pain in my life!
I am using moist warm compresses for over a week now, along with medications..oh, it gets worse....
They had me on antibiotics and then I noticed that I was having trouble swallowing. I developed esophagitis!
This is an inflammation and burning of the throat (damage from the antibiotics). I could barely eat food..I have been living on frozen yogurt, ice pops and soft foods for over a week now.
I went to an oral surgeon for re-evaluation, and then off to the regular family doctor also.
I am now on more medication for my throat and was told the pain could last for another week more.
Ok, but, I am sorry, I do not want to go another whole week with this mess, I am so done with the pain!
So, I have been feeling pretty rotten.
Amidst all the pain and frustration, there was something positive I could do while healing..someone close to us is having a baby! Well, actually they had the baby today. A precious little girl.
I have decided to make another baby blanket of crochet (granny square style)!
Something to try and keep my mind off of my pain.
Here is the completed blanket in pink and speckled white.
I need to get better quickly, we will be volunteering this weekend at Divine Mercy House. Their big garage sale is tomorrow and we had previously committed ourselves to helping.
At this moment though, I feel like I cannot do it with feeling so miserable. I did commit though, so I plan to keep that commitment for tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!
Had an unexpected turn of events in the past week. I decided to have a wisdom tooth extracted. It was bothering me so much and thought it be best to have it removed. Now I am thinking twice about my decision as things had gone drastically wrong with the surgery!
All seemed fine when the dentist removed the tooth..but then within a matter of days my face swelled and bruised. The pain was something awful!
I went back to the dentist..he told me I developed a hematoma. Just what I did not want to hear! The needle used in the muscle of my mouth hit a blood vessel and cause a clot to form. I have never felt such pain in my life!
I am using moist warm compresses for over a week now, along with medications..oh, it gets worse....
They had me on antibiotics and then I noticed that I was having trouble swallowing. I developed esophagitis!
This is an inflammation and burning of the throat (damage from the antibiotics). I could barely eat food..I have been living on frozen yogurt, ice pops and soft foods for over a week now.
I went to an oral surgeon for re-evaluation, and then off to the regular family doctor also.
I am now on more medication for my throat and was told the pain could last for another week more.
Ok, but, I am sorry, I do not want to go another whole week with this mess, I am so done with the pain!
So, I have been feeling pretty rotten.
Amidst all the pain and frustration, there was something positive I could do while healing..someone close to us is having a baby! Well, actually they had the baby today. A precious little girl.
I have decided to make another baby blanket of crochet (granny square style)!
Something to try and keep my mind off of my pain.
Here is the completed blanket in pink and speckled white.
I need to get better quickly, we will be volunteering this weekend at Divine Mercy House. Their big garage sale is tomorrow and we had previously committed ourselves to helping.
At this moment though, I feel like I cannot do it with feeling so miserable. I did commit though, so I plan to keep that commitment for tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Following the "Spark"!
Ok, well, a little of what has been going on by me...
I have joined the Sparkpeople bug! It is a wonderful site on the internet that tracks your calories and what you eat, for a healthier lifestyle.
I must admit, I love food. I love cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate, and potato chips. But, sadly with age..it loves my body too!
I have decided to start eating a little healthier. Now, I must say, this is a bit hard, being used to eating french fries every time we eat out!
There is no greater word with conscious eating than the word "NO". You heard that right , "NO"!
I ask myself..."do I want that ice cream bar, well, yes..but, do I NEED it?" "NO"!! NO, NO, NO!
This has been working for two weeks so far. Sparkpeople is a great way to keep track of what you are eating, and tracks your exercise too. I haven't gotten as far as the exercise part yet..but hopefully one day soon, I will be tracking something. :)
Now, don't forget...you need the good Lord in this program too. You all know he is watching you and there right along side you! Yes, I believe in prayer when I am trying to lose weight. It truly helped me years ago when I lost a lot of weight and I thank God for his help. After all, HE is the one that created each and everyone of us!
Sadly, though, I have gained back and am on the road to becoming healthy once again. There is no time like the present.
Anyways, enough of that, I will show you what I had for lunch today:
I made a wrap with a sundried tomato flatout bread, turkey, lettuce and tomato. I cut up an apple on the side, and sprinkled cinnamon on top. I just love apples with cinnamon! I still felt hungry after that..yes, I have big appetite! So, I grabbed a banana. Much healthier than what I was eating..the daily lunches for me consisted of some sort of sandwich with fries, or potato chips!
So far I am down about three pounds. Not much so far, but it is better than gaining!
In the meantime, I am waiting patiently for the Fall season! I love to bake, and begun some baking today. I made Mexican Wedding Cakes and Pumpkin Bread..I added chocolate chips to my recipe for the pumpkin bread. Delicious! Now, I am trying my hardest not to nibble on these delicious treats! I made them for others to enjoy.
The house smells pretty amazing at the moment!
I have been stitching on many things..mostly UFO's. This is a little piece I am almost done with..this is the second time I have stitched this design titled "Black Needles" ..you can find the freebie HERE .
As I sit here typing, my Dear Husband called me to the window..Look who came to visit our front yard!
Absolutely breathtaking! What a pretty butterfly. Makes me happy to see it is enjoying the flowers we planted in our front yard!
Well, I am off to wrap up the baked goodies.
See you soon!
Raggedystitches and Blessings to you,
I have joined the Sparkpeople bug! It is a wonderful site on the internet that tracks your calories and what you eat, for a healthier lifestyle.
I must admit, I love food. I love cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate, and potato chips. But, sadly with age..it loves my body too!
I have decided to start eating a little healthier. Now, I must say, this is a bit hard, being used to eating french fries every time we eat out!
There is no greater word with conscious eating than the word "NO". You heard that right , "NO"!
I ask myself..."do I want that ice cream bar, well, yes..but, do I NEED it?" "NO"!! NO, NO, NO!
This has been working for two weeks so far. Sparkpeople is a great way to keep track of what you are eating, and tracks your exercise too. I haven't gotten as far as the exercise part yet..but hopefully one day soon, I will be tracking something. :)
Now, don't forget...you need the good Lord in this program too. You all know he is watching you and there right along side you! Yes, I believe in prayer when I am trying to lose weight. It truly helped me years ago when I lost a lot of weight and I thank God for his help. After all, HE is the one that created each and everyone of us!
Sadly, though, I have gained back and am on the road to becoming healthy once again. There is no time like the present.
Anyways, enough of that, I will show you what I had for lunch today:
I made a wrap with a sundried tomato flatout bread, turkey, lettuce and tomato. I cut up an apple on the side, and sprinkled cinnamon on top. I just love apples with cinnamon! I still felt hungry after that..yes, I have big appetite! So, I grabbed a banana. Much healthier than what I was eating..the daily lunches for me consisted of some sort of sandwich with fries, or potato chips!
So far I am down about three pounds. Not much so far, but it is better than gaining!
In the meantime, I am waiting patiently for the Fall season! I love to bake, and begun some baking today. I made Mexican Wedding Cakes and Pumpkin Bread..I added chocolate chips to my recipe for the pumpkin bread. Delicious! Now, I am trying my hardest not to nibble on these delicious treats! I made them for others to enjoy.
The house smells pretty amazing at the moment!
I have been stitching on many things..mostly UFO's. This is a little piece I am almost done with..this is the second time I have stitched this design titled "Black Needles" ..you can find the freebie HERE .
As I sit here typing, my Dear Husband called me to the window..Look who came to visit our front yard!
Absolutely breathtaking! What a pretty butterfly. Makes me happy to see it is enjoying the flowers we planted in our front yard!
Well, I am off to wrap up the baked goodies.
See you soon!
Raggedystitches and Blessings to you,
Friday, August 5, 2011
Results are in...
The cardiologist just called our house with our daughter's results. He told us that the lung perfusion test results came back great! Our daughter has perfect even blood flow to both of her lungs!!
We PRAISE GOD!!! She will not need further surgery, and she will only have to have a yearly visit for heart checkups from now on.
Once again we give thanks and praise for all our blessings. Thank you to Dr. Jan Quaegebuer the doctor in New York City, who perfectly moved Christine's arteries where they should have been at birth. His expertise shines through in the health of our daughter! He not only saved her life at just 4 days old, but gave her a chance to LIVE her life to it's fullest potential. He is truly using the gifts God has given him, operating on infants with heart defects and using the talents in his hands while operating.
Dr. Jan Quaegebeur:
This is a happy day indeed, as will be all our days from this day forward.
Wishing you all a blessed day!
We PRAISE GOD!!! She will not need further surgery, and she will only have to have a yearly visit for heart checkups from now on.
Once again we give thanks and praise for all our blessings. Thank you to Dr. Jan Quaegebuer the doctor in New York City, who perfectly moved Christine's arteries where they should have been at birth. His expertise shines through in the health of our daughter! He not only saved her life at just 4 days old, but gave her a chance to LIVE her life to it's fullest potential. He is truly using the gifts God has given him, operating on infants with heart defects and using the talents in his hands while operating.
Dr. Jan Quaegebeur:
This is a happy day indeed, as will be all our days from this day forward.
Wishing you all a blessed day!
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***Edited to add: Winner is Picked! CONGRATULATIONS to Sharon of Shardon Exclusives ! She is the winner of the One World, One Heart Giveaway...
I thought I shall post before heading out to work this morning. I have been busy doing a little bit of crochet. I was trying to teach myself...