I love this time of year! I also love setting up our little Raggedy Ann Christmas tree :)
Some ornaments we purchased on our own, others my dear friends gave to me.
I love our little tree!
We had an amazing time yesterday with friends and family. We visited a farm filled with a corn maze, animals and hay rides!
The weather was absolutely perfect.
It truly was a nice way to wrap up the Thanksgiving weekend.
This farm uses a method of growing plants called "Hydroponics" . This is a method of growing plants without soil. They had strawberries, peppers, cauliflower and other types of plants growing. Pretty interesting!
I think the farm animals enjoyed our visit. The hay ride was so much fun, we enjoyed the interaction and feeding the cows!
Lots of corn everywhere!
It was so much fun going through the corn maize!
The chickens and roosters were plenty!
Hay was decorated like animals:
Our daughter had fun with her friends on the cow train:
I enjoyed being with my very dear friend, I think we have been friends for just about forever!
Look at this precious bunny, he is just too cute!
We are looking forward to going back real soon.
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend...we are preparing to decorate for Christmas! See you soon :)
The baking has begun!
I just finished up making two different types of Apple Pies, a Dream whip pie, and now two pumpkin pies are in the oven.
I LOVE this time of year! The house smells wonderful. :)
I am thinking on what types of cookies to make.
I love baking, it is so much fun!
The other day a neighbor from down the block came by our home with her beautiful daughter. Her daughter was holding on to her Raggedy Ann doll when she came out of their car. Then, her daughter handed her Raggedy Ann to me! My neighbor told me that her daughter knew how much I loved Raggedy Ann, and her daughter wanted me to have her Annie. How sweet is that?!
For a child to give up one of her dollies, this little girl is such a blessing and an angel indeed. I am so glad they are living down the block from us. Her thoughtfulness is such a treasure!
Here is the Beautiful Raggedy Ann she handed to me:
I told my neighbor, I will babysit Annie, just in case her daughter might want her to come back home to her ;)
They truly are raising a beautiful angel of a child! I love her!
Today I went and had lunch with a very dear and close friend. We had such a nice time catching up on old times, and we had a lot of laughs. I enjoyed every minute during our time together today.
When I went later on to her house, she presented me with a very special gift. She says she found this Raggedy Ann and Andy at a church rummage sale! I couldn't believe my eyes when she handed them to me!
Aren't they beautiful! They are so perfect for our collection. :
I am so richly blessed with my very dear friends that are in my life. I know how lucky I am.
I am so glad for living back home again and being close to everyone that matters so much to me.
We lived away from each other for way too long!
I am so happy today, I thought I should post about it! :)
The weather here in Florida is absolutely GORGEOUS! I have been outside most of today just soaking in the sun. Picked up some pretty yellow paint for our living room. My husband will start the painting tonight. I am so excited, I cannot wait to have some color on our walls! He has already put down all the wood flooring in all of the house. It looks so pretty!
As I look out our back door, I get to see something you may not see up north... There are beautiful Orange trees! Tasted one, and it is delicious. Many neighbors have oranges in their yards now also, it is the season for picking.
My daughter came home from school early today, I was so happy to see her. I took her out for a Mother/Daughter lunch date. We are going to go through some of the boxes in her room that still need to be sorted out. I cannot believe how many boxes still remain from moving that are unpacked!
I was so surprised last week when I saw my stitching friends for a get together. My dear friend Lynn gifted me with a new Little House Needleworks ornament chart titled "Under The Tree". I guess I haven't been paying too much attention..how did I not notice this was available! There is a sweet little Raggedy Ann holding a present on it!!! Lynn also included the beads for the popcorn garland that is stitched onto the design, along with a piece of 30 count linen.
I was so thrilled that I have already started stitching it. :)
I have also started stitching the 12 Days of Christmas by Jim Shore. This was gifted to me by Kerribeth not too long ago. She also included all the beads! This is going to be a beautiful design...I can tell already! :) I know though, It will probably take me a long time..but it will be well worth it in the end :)
I am so excited with Thanksgiving coming on so soon. We will be spending it with lots of family. I have many plans for all sorts of delicious treats I will be whipping up, along with the old traditional favorites. Can't wait to be together with the ones we love!
We are still trying to decide which church we want to register to, we have narrowed it down to two we have been attending alternatively. We love both of them, it is such a hard decision! One of them has more opportunities for volunteering..that might be the parish we decide to register with.
Well, it is on to cleaning bird and rabbit cages now, must take care of our babies!
This is a wonderful day full of wonderful blessings. I am thankful for so much. It is a happy day!
I just completed another baby blanket.
This is a granny stripe blanket with a simple edging.
I enjoyed doing this very much, it worked up pretty fast.
***Edited to add ***- Thank you for the emails,compliments and inquiries! You can find this pattern on Lucy's blog.
This is a wonderful blog with all sorts of goodies there! Her tutorials are amazing as well as all her beautiful projects.
If you would like to make a Granny Stripe blanket like I did..just go to Lucy's blog. Once you get there, look on the left side bar for the item you would like to make! :)
This pattern is called a "Granny Stripe"
here is the link for you! Attic24
Hope you are all having a wonderful night!
It is a beautiful day outside today in Florida!
I decided to take a trip to Goodwill. I always meet the most wonderful people while visiting there.
I am always on the lookout for Cornflower Blue Corningware, but didn't see any this time. I did however find some really good things!
I spotted this adorable old Raggedy Ann ceramic container. It is made by the
Bobbs-Merril Company. It is dated 1976. Absolutely perfect for our Raggedy Ann collection :)
I also purchased a really cute wooden shadow box. It is small in size, but I believe it will be just perfect for my thimble collection! :)
I started chatting with a lady while shopping, she was so sweet. I noticed that she had some great finds in her shopping cart too.
Right away I spotted the beautiful wooden frame in her basket!
I told her how nice it was, and that I like that sort of decor too.
She told me she decided she really didn't want it and handed it to me!
Before I walked out of Goodwill, there was a table with some odds and ends..I took a quick peek, and glad I did!
I also LOVE anything with Debbie Mumm designs, and was surprised to see what was sitting on the table. Debbie Mumm spreaders, one box with Santa's, the other box with Snowmen! I presently have the Snowman dishes, and Santa dessert plates for my holiday meals and these spreaders will fit in perfectly.
I think I did well, everything came to about 8 dollars. The spreaders being the most expensive items. They sold the frame to me for 29 cents!
We have to be careful every time we want to step foot out our front door..
The frogs like to gather!
This little guy was just waiting for me to open the door and say hello :)
We finally received some rain this afternoon/evening. So happy about that!
It has been too long since it has rained. Just before it rained...the doves came to visit us again...
A cold front is moving in....
Made some hot chocolate for me and my sweet daughter.
The hot chocolate tasted so delicious!
(Especially when you put mini candy bars in it!) :P
Yes, I am a chocoholic! The healthy eating plan has not really fully kicked in yet. :)
:) Nothing like a hot cup of cocoa on a chilly evening! :)