We have decided to paint steps in our home.
I am not sure exactly how it will look in the end..I hope good!
We are ripping off the carpet that was in terrible shape.
I really like a country decor in our home..so I am trying to go with that theme.
I picked out a deep red color (tile red).
Oh, I do hope this will look ok! I have never seen this done in anyone's home before. I guess we might be the first!
We did one step so far.
I am thinking perhaps I will freehand paint some sort of leaves, or pale tan vine or something to give it character along the edges.
If anyone has any tips..please feel free to post ;)
This is what the first step looks like so far.
The wood is pine, and not suitable enough for staining...believe me, if the wood was good enough quality for that, we would have opted to do that instead.
Sooo...for now, we are the house with the red stairway inside!
Raggedy Stitches,