I have pinned it, and have been machine quilting it. I have used stencils, and did some freehand drawing on it also.
Hopefully during tomorrow nights class I will learn how to make the binding.
This sure is a lot of work! But I know it will be worth it in the end. I am very happy with my lap quilt so far. This will hang in the quilt shop I work at for a little while. Hopefully not too long, then I will take it home!
I had trouble trying to hang this up somewhere to take a picture. When all else fails, use Duct Tape!!! Works like a charm. hee hee ;)
thanks for looking,
(I know I have yet to remove the chalk marks....it is very late, and I am so tired! I will get to that tomorrow...I also noticed my lines aren't even, but! I am human, I have to keep reminding myself that, and I don't want it to be perfect anyways, quilts are supposed to look handmade right?!) :)