Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Letter and a Phone Call!!

Last Thursday, Jun 14th, we received a letter from our son Patrick who is presently in Naval boot camp!!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened up the mailbox. A LETTER FROM OUR SON!!!!!!!!!!
I started to cry, my hands began to has been weeks since we have been in contact with him. It has been so difficult for me especially. When you have raised your son since birth and have been so very close to him and you share a bond like a Mother and Son should in this life, it truly is hard to let go. You want to know they are safe, happy, and that they are well fed!! :)

I sat on the front took me a moment before I could even open up the envelope..I was so afraid that he might be having a hard time...
I slowly opened it up..he wrote quite a bit...which I am glad for that. He said he was doing well. He sounded really good! I didn't sense any worry. I am so PROUD of our Son!! He spoke of many things...he did mention how well his division was doing in training. :)

Then....a couple of hours cell phone was on the kitchen counter, I looked at the number..not recognizing it..but suddenly my heart jumped!! I thought "could it be?"...

I RAN to the front porch (we have Sprint..and the service is TERRIBLE!)...I prayed while we spoke that it wouldn't drop the call)..
He was quiet on the phone, and that is when I started to worry a little bit..but then he went on to say he has been sick for 5 days..and he had just had all FOUR wisdom teeth taken out just a couple of days before calling us...he had written the letter to us prior to all this happening.

Now, I must tell you that I used to take him to the dentist, like a Mom should..his whole childhood...when they told me he needed to have his wisdom teeth out, he was at an age where he refused to let me take him..I believe he was 18 at that point.. I gave in and now when the military took him in, they automatically take your wisdom teeth out in boot camp!
So, now he is suffering even more than he would if he had them out years ago when he should have done it. I feel terrible. :( I wish he had listened to me all those years ago. (he is 22 years old now).

So, he is not feeling well, and I worry about him so much. I tried not to cry when on the phone with him..and did well..until the very end. I had passed the phone to his Father to say hello, then to his sister..they spoke with him for a little bit and then the phone was passed back to me. I told him I loved him and that I missed him. We told him how proud we were of him. Then, I started to cry, just a little bit. I didn't want that conversation to end. Oh, it is truly so hard.

Yes, I am crying as I type this!

I told my husband I wish that God had blessed us with even more children than two...he said would that have made a difference when each one would have left the house? I laughed and said you are right, probably not.

I put my earphones on this morning with my music and did a 2 mile nice to pass all the beautiful fields filled with hay bales.
I started a Navy scrapbook for my is coming along nicely!

The card reader won't work in our computer anymore for our camera I either have to get an adapter or a cord to upload pictures now.. hope to figure that out soon.

I wish you all a blessed day,


  1. I know you would rather have your son home during this recovery from the wisdom teeth removal, but the Navy will make sure that he has all that he needs.
    You'll love the boot camp graduation, and it will be a great time for your family. The time will go by soon.
    So glad you got that letter. I still have the ones my sons sent me from boot camp years ago.

  2. Put simply... you are an Italian Mom (as I am). I know exactly how you are feeling. I react the same way you do.

  3. Outside if the wisdom teeth, it sounds like your son is doing well!


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Means so much to me! I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as
I enjoy posting about all the things I love. I wish you a Beautiful Blessed Day!

Framed pieces

I finally framed some of my needlework pieces. I just love how they turned out!