Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mystery Feather

My son came home today with the prettiest feather he found on the road.
He handed it to me, and I wasn't able to identify what type of bird it might have come from. It has the most beautiful golden yellow color, with the tip of the feather being black. I surely would love to see what bird this has come from!
I will have to take some time and research birds of North Carolina and perhaps I can find out what bird this might be from.
Do you know what bird might have feathers of this coloring?

**Edited to add:

The feather measures 4 and 1/4 inches tip to tip
and 3/4" at the widest part.

Thank you to one of my blog readers, The mystery has been solved!
This feather is from a Northern Red Flicker



  1. Hi Louise!
    I thought about you today. I was going through some old Spirit of Christmas books. There was a tree decorated with the raggedy theme. The dolls faces were made using a round clothe doiley. If you are interested, I would be happy to copy it and send the directions by email.

  2. I have recently found one of these feathers on a walk thru the Maine woods...after much fruitless research(during which I found your blog)I have been told that it belongs to a Northern Red Flicker! and when you look that up---check out the upper tail-feathers! There it is!

  3. Shekhinahshaman,
    Thank you so much! I looked up pictures on the internet, and you are so right, There it is!


  4. my son just found one too in Pennsylvania & Ive never even seen these birds


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Framed pieces

I finally framed some of my needlework pieces. I just love how they turned out!